Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

you should have seen the other guy.

gigantic  bruise courtesy of dropping my metal bed frame on my foot.  yet another reason why moving is both soul sucking and dangerous.

i'm 70% sure that my knee/leg area doesn't look so large and grotesque in real life.  i got that little line from slamming my knee into an open dresser drawer.  this is a couple weeks old by now, so i ask you to imagine its original glory.

i saved the best for last.  your eyes do not deceive you, gentle reader, that is a HUMAN BITE on my delicate back.  i'm pretty sure this makes me the queen of mystery wounds.

painfully yours,
the wolf

Monday, August 18, 2008

white people havin fun

somehow i got these wounds eating delicious gazpatcho and drinking a bottle of wine the size of my leg.  eventually i'm just going to get a pair of glass legs filled with beer:

the benefits are twofold.  1.) i will never have to grab another can from the fridge.  2.) glass doesn't bruise.

-the wolf

Friday, August 8, 2008

a cornucopia of pain

possible bocce ball wound?

a scar i like to call "ol ironsides"

vintage dress metal zipper: 1, the wolf: 0

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

dances with wolves

 Someone dared to step on my blue suede shoes at Storm the Bastille dance night.  Also pictured: gnarly summer flats tan.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the wolf has a tame friday night yet still is left scathed

mystery wounds multiplied overnight!  how?  science may never know. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

the wolf has a rough thursday night

note for future reference: if you play a drinking game to "roxanne" by the police (in which, you can probably guess, you drink every time you hear the name roxanne), you are going to wake up wearing a dead man's bolo tie and sporting a lot of mystery wounds.